Mayor Krista Freake

I have been happily residing in Lewisporte for 18 years with my husband Fraser and two children, Jenna and Avery.  I have worked in several positions in Education in the region, Senior Education Officer, Itinerant Student Affairs, Special Education Teacher, and currently in my ninth year as Principal of Lewisporte Collegiate.

I was elected to council in 2017 and sat as Deputy Mayor, in 2021 I was elected as Mayor.

I presently serve as:

  • Chair, Recreation Committee
  • Chair, Mussel Bed Soirée Committee
  • Sits on the Protective Services Committee
  • Board Member, Die Trac Technical Institute
  • Board Member – Family Resource Center.

In my term on council, I strive to make a positive contribution to the vision and long term planning of the town which is inclusive to all residents while maintaining fiscal responsibility and growth in all sectors.  I appreciate the opportunity to collaborate with a council that shares a common vision and has the best interest of the Town of Lewisporte in our work.

Contact Krista Freake
cell phone709-541-1032
home phone709-535-2737